Privacy Policy & Cookies

About Basalt

Privacy Policy & Cookies

1. About Basalt, our website and this privacy policy

This website is owned and operated by Basalt AB, corporate identity number 556778-7956, Box 38, 745 91 Enköping.
Basalt AB is responsible for personal data and thus responsible for the processing of your personal data in accordance with the principles set out in this privacy policy. We care about protecting your personal data and comply with all Swedish laws and regulations, including the Data Protection Ordinance (GDPR), which exist to protect the privacy of private individuals. Read more detailed information below under the section Personal information.

In the following description, website refers to the websites that are under a specific domain, Web page refers to the individual, separate pages that, like this page, are grouped under a specific domain. We can offer you the opportunity to connect to our website or to use our services and tools via a mobile device, either through a mobile application or through a mobile-adapted website. The provisions of this privacy policy also apply to all mobile access and use of mobile devices.

2. Consent

By registering through our communication channel, you agree that you have read this privacy policy and agree that your information will be processed as described herein. If you do not agree to the privacy policy, you should not use our services. Please note that the terms of the privacy policy may change at any time. You should therefore read these terms and conditions at regular intervals to make sure that you are happy with the changes.

3. Copyright and Trademarks

For all content, regardless of form on Basalt’s web pages, copyright Basalt applies. This means that all content in the form of, for example, various types of texts, films, articles, reports, audio loops, radio, trademarks, graphics and illustrations is legally protected under the Copyright Act (1960: 729) and trademark law (1960: 644 ) unless otherwise stated. The material published via Basalt’s web pages is Basalt’s property or property belonging to third parties with whom Basalt cooperates and may not be used by you beyond what is required for the use of the web pages in accordance with the applicable terms. You therefore do not have the right to copy, distribute, forward or otherwise make material available without Basalt’s written consent.

4. Personal data

This privacy policy describes how we collect, use, store, disclose and protect your personal information. As mentioned above, Basalt is responsible for personal data processing and complies with all Swedish laws and regulations, including the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which exist to protect the privacy of private individuals and which apply throughout the EU.

5. Collection of personal data

If you visit or register on our website or otherwise use our services, you may provide information to us that is considered to be personal data according to the GDPR. This may include:

Name and contact information including email address.
Delivery information, billing information, payment information and other information that you provide in connection with the purchase or delivery of a product or service.
Demographic information such as zip codes, elections and interests.
Other information relevant to customer surveys, advertisements and / or offers.
Other user-generated information that you actively choose to share via our website.

6. About Cookies

According to the new Electronic Communications Act, which came into force on 25 July 2003, all visitors to websites that use cookies must be informed of this. The visitor must also be given the opportunity to prevent cookies from being stored on the computer.

Basalt and our service provider use so-called cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text file that is sent from our website to your browser. The cookie cannot identify you personally but only the browser that is installed on your computer and that you use when visiting the current website (tablets and phones with internet connection are also included). Different cookies are therefore on different computers in case you use different computers to reach our website.

Cookies are sent to you from the website you visit (so-called first-party cookie) or from another organization that provides services to the current website, such as an analysis and statistics company (so-called third-party cookie). The collection of statistics is handled by Google Analytics and the information collected is passed on to Google’s servers in the United States. These cookies are used to store information that is not personally identifiable. The information may in some cases be passed on by Google to third parties. If you do not want your visits to appear in Google Analytics statistics, you can install their browser add-on Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

There are two types of cookies, one type is called a session cookie and the other is called a permanent cookie. A session cookie is sent to your computer for the web pages to function correctly during your visit. A session cookie is not stored on your computer, but disappears when you close your browser. A permanent cookie, on the other hand, is stored in your computer and, for example, allows a website to recognize your computer’s IP address and thus your browser the next time you log in. We use both session cookies and permanent cookies on our website. They are needed mainly for the functionality of our services, to help us improve our delivery of products and services to you.

Social Media cookies are used on the News page when sharing and recommending buttons for social media are used for individual posts. Social media cookies are used for the following social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Mail. The use of Social media cookies varies between social networks based on the privacy settings you as a user have chosen on these networks. Most browsers have a default setting that accepts the use of cookies. You can easily refrain from allowing Basalt’s websites to store cookies in your computer by making a setting in your browser, including blocking cookies or deleting the cookies stored on your computer. Please note that if you choose not to allow cookies, certain functionalities on our website may cease to function securely and correctly and certain services may not be provided. How to delete or change the settings for cookies is stated in the instructions for your browser or in the help function that is normally available in the browser.

Name (value) Value (value)

_ga GA1.2.1591787894.1558343851

cookie notification accept notified

_gid GA1.2.704346900.1573462296

wordpress_test_cookie WP + Cookie + check

_gat 1

Note that third party cookies are not displayed in this list, to see all active cookies including third party cookies follow the guide here!
For more information about cookies, see the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency’s website.
Third party cookies are not included in this list, to see all active cookies and third party cookies you can follow this guide!
For more information about cookies, visit this website.

7. Purpose of using personal data

Our purpose with the collection and use of personal data is to give you access to information and services from Basalt. Above all, we use your personal information to fulfill, improve and adapt our commitments, products and services and manage customer relationships. To fulfill the purposes above, your personal data will be processed by us but may also be disclosed to and processed by partners approved by Basalt. Your personal information is never passed on without a confidentiality agreement. Your personal data may also be disclosed to fulfill legal obligations and may be handed over to the police and other relevant government agencies when permitted or required by law.

8. Security

We are concerned that your personal data is processed securely. To prevent unauthorized use or exposure of your personal data, we use reasonable physical, technical and organizational security measures in relation to the amount and sensitivity of personal data.

9. Control over your personal information

Once per calendar year, you can request information about what personal information we have registered about you and how it is used, after a written application has been submitted to us according to the contact information below. You can change your personal information in your account settings at any time or request that personal information that is incorrect, incomplete or misleading be corrected or deleted by contacting customer service as described below. To protect your privacy and your personal information, we may require that you identify yourself in connection with our assistance.

10. Stop using personal data etc.

You can revoke your consent at any time by contacting customer service as described below. Such revocation may take place in whole or in part. If you do not wish to receive marketing and advertising offers from us, you can revoke your consent by contacting customer service. If you revoke your consent to the use or disclosure of your personal information for other purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy, it may mean that we may not continue to provide you with access to our website or provide services and customer service offered to our users and permitted under this privacy policy.

11. Contact

If you have questions related to this privacy policy, if you experience that there may have been a breach of it or if you want to contact us for any reason stated in this privacy policy, please contact our customer service at the following email address, info @ basalt. see, via the web, below address or phone.

Basalt AB
Basaltgatan 3
749 40 Enköping

Phone: 0171-17 05 00 Personal service, weekdays at 7–15.

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